
Top 10 Programming Languages For Smart Contract Development

Explore the top 10 programming languages for creating smart contracts to realize the boundless possibilities of decentralized software. Stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of smart contracts with our expert-recommended selection.

Top 10 Programming Languages For Smart Contract Development

Everyone is talking about cryptocurrency, smart contracts, decentralized finance, and blockchain. But could we even imagine any of these without the programmers who created them?

Create one time and spread it everywhere !!

No matter which of many smart contract programming language developers choose, they will need to create the scripts with extreme care and precision if they are to realize the full potential of blockchain technology.

Any form of transaction can be completed on the blockchain with the use of smart contracts. All smart contracts share the trait of being written in code. Do you want to know what programming languages are suitable for creating smart contracts?

In this Blog we explore Top 10 programming languages that our developers use to write code. 

Now let’s get started !

Top 10 Smart contract development language

Writing smart contracts is possible in a wide range of programming languages. In this blog, we will examine a few of the best programming languages for creating smart contracts. 

Let us discuss about it, 

1. Solidity

Solidity is the most widely used programming language for smart contracts. In 2014, Ethereum founder Gavin Wood purchased it, and the team working on the Ethereum project later reinforced it. Solidity is a high- level, Object-oriented programming language created by Christian Reitwiesner, Alex Beregszaszi, and other developers involved with Ethereum network. 

Python,C++, and javascript are among the languages that solidity is inspired on. The ethereum virtual machine (EVM) is its intended goal. Programmers utilize solidity to create programs and deploy smart contracts on many blockchains mainly ethereum and Binance.

Intricate user-defined types, inheritance, and libraries are supported by the statically typed programming language. Solidity is the first programming language designed specifically for using smart contracts. People began to use it to create other DApps  over time. 

Supported platforms 

  • Ethereum 
  • Hedera Hashgraph
  • Ethereum Classic 
  • Binance smart chain 
  • Polkadot 
  • Uniswap
  • Zhcash
  • Avalanche 
  • Tron

2. Python

Python blockchain programming has not only taken the lead in the fields of network server, IoT, and app development, but it is also showing its worth in blockchain as a service space. Among programming languages, Python is the second most popular. Ethereum, Steem, NEO, and Hyperledger fabric are a few of the well known blockchains created with python.


  • Python blockchain programming is simple to learn.
  • Obtaining dynamic architecture
  • Ideal for scripting and base techniques alike
  • Open-source assistance
  • Python blockchain scripting is effective for prototyping


Rust has become one of the most widely used languages for developing  returned stop apps. Several individuals adore the low level programming language Rust. It features an efficient memory system, quick processing, and simplicity. Moreover, it is a fantastic choice for creating smart contract programs that are quickly and scalable. Still, compared to languages like javascript, python, or smart contract specific languages, raising Rust’s level of  abstraction might  be more difficult.

Supported Platforms 

  • Aleo
  • Polkadot
  • Stacks 2.0
  • Bitcoin cash
  • Open ethereum
  • Libra 
  • Fuel 
  • Zero-chain

4. Vyper 

Vyper is a contract oriented programming language that focuses on the ethereum virtual machine similar to python. This includes various contract specific capabilities such as custom global variables, listener notifications, and global constants. Addressing solidity’s  security flaws was the primary motivation behind the creation of vyper. Its goal was to supplement solidity, not to take the place of it. 

Compared to solidity, it is easier to audit and offers greater security. As an outcome, it lacks support for inheritance, function, and operator overloading, inline assembly, recursive calling, infinite length loops, modifiers, binary fixed points, and inheritance. 

Primary Goals of Vyper

  • Provide more security
  • Restricted availability for pure functions
  • Simplicity of language and compiler
  • Compact and easily comprehensible compiler code
  • Boost the code auditing process
  • robust typing ability dexterity
  • Better boundaries and overflow protection are achievable
  • processes involving arrays and arithmetic
  • Assistance with signed integers and fixed-point decimal values

5. WebAssembly

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a binary instruction format designed for stack based virtual machines. To facilitate the deployment of client and server applications on the web, Wasm is designed to be a portable target for programming language compilation. It is open and debuggable, quick and effective, safe, and a component of an open web platform.


  • It is an enhancement to Javascript that allows you to import it just like a regular Javascript module and offers you the freedom to implement your performance in a Wasm. 
  • It provides first class binary support for foreign languages throughout the whole web platform stack.
  • Binary representation is used to represent an AST(abstract syntax tree) defined in WebAssembly code. You may write in understandable text format and debug it as well.
  • The binary format will be understandable by browsers, so we can create binary bundles that compress faster then the text javascript we use now. Smaller payloads translate into fast delivery. 
  • WebAssembly bundles may even run faster than JavaScript, depending on compile time optimization opportunities. 

6. JavaScript 

Since blockchain technology was introduced, JavaScript has become more and more popular as a versatile language for creating smart contracts. However, it may surprise you to learn that JavaScript is an entry-level programming language that makes it possible for newcomers to join the ecosystem and begin developing incredible and fascinating products straight away.

Building smart contracts using other programming languages, such as Javascript, is possible with the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. The web3.js framework is developed by the blockchain developer community, and the sample smart contract code written in Hyperledger Fabric is provided. Using Websocket and HTTPS, you can interact with an Ethereum smart contract with this set of many libraries.

Perks of writing Smart Contract with Javascript 

  • There's enough support in the community. This is crucial because it allows a novice developer who gets stuck to obtain assistance or support from the community.
  • When compared to other programming languages, you will benefit from a quicker development time.

Platforms supporting Javascript 

  • Ethereum 
  • Polkadot 
  • Solana 
  • Hyperledger fabric 
  • NEO

7. Clarity 

Smart contracts on Bitcoin will be implemented using a new language called Clarity. On the stacks 2.0 network, smart contracts are created using this brand-new programming language.
With the help of Stack 2.0, clarity smart contracts can now be dependent on activity on the Bitcoin blockchain in order to operate. Some of its features are security, no compiler, predictability, etc.


  • With clarity, programmers may create understandable code that communicates with the Bitcoin blockchain.
  • The language is easily understood, and the code itself indicates what the application will accomplish.
  • Clarity is intentionally left unfinished. This allows for a comprehensive static analysis of the entire call graph of a smart contract.
  • Being an interpreted language, it lacks a compiler and so has no compiler bugs.
  • Reentrancy is prohibited, the system is secure by design, and underflow and overflow checks are made. It's easy to read, write, and comprehend the syntax if you've learned the parentheses.

8. Move 

Move is a programming language for smart contracts built in Rust that was first created for Meta's Diem blockchain.Move presents a revolutionary system that is based on three key ideas: superior resources, enhanced security, and upgraded verifiability. 

Most importantly, Move's programming language allows for blockchain-agnostic integrations by integrating resources at the type level as opposed to supporting a particular coin type, such as bitcoin or ether. Move is now mostly unsupported outside of the Aptos and Sui blockchains, where it is mainly used.

9. Golang

Obtainable Golang is a computer language that shares some syntax with C.Over 800,000 Golang developers are currently active worldwide. Golang is a basic programming language that is easy to learn.

It is a programming language that was created by Google. Because it allows several processes to run simultaneously, it is a single language that facilitates concurrent programming. HyperLedger writes its chain code for smart contracts mostly in the Golang programming language. Languages for programming smart contracts that FLETA supports include Golang.

10. Cairo

Demonstrated programs are written in the computer language Cairo. A trace is produced upon execution of a Cairo program, which can be provided to an untrusted provider to produce a STARK test for the precision of the statement or calculation the Cairo program is expressing. The proof can then be checked using a verifier.

Because STARKs is written in a Turing-complete language, any blockchain developer can leverage its potential. It is effective: Field elements and built-ins make the process of creating proofs effective. Systems located in Cairo are prepared for production. They are now being created on Ethereum's mainnet.


Consequently, it's critical to keep in mind that not all of the previously stated programming languages are compatible with every blockchain platform that is in use today. For instance, Solidity works incredibly well with the Ethereum blockchain, while C++ works wonderfully with the EOS blockchain.
If you like what you read, please get in touch with Hivelance, a top provider of services for businesses that include smart contract development, to learn more about smart contract development.


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